USM Forges New MOUs with Asian Universities
July 11, 2022
USM strengthens ties with ISU
July 18, 2022
Congratulations to Mark Al-Jamie J. Muttulani and Joseph O. Castillo for publishing their work in the Journal of Agricultural Research, Development, Extension and Technology (JARDET)!
Muttulani’s work focuses on the how different types of cuttings and various root-initiating substances affect growth parameters of grapes. Meanwhile, Castillo’s article demonstrates the effectiveness of Aktrine 4.6 SL against common insect pests of rice. Read more about their studies in the JARDET website.
The Journal of Agricultural Research, Development, Extension and Technology (JARDET), formerly the USM R&D journal, is the official scientific publication of the University of Southern Mindanao (USM), Philippines. JARDET publishes reports of original research in agriculture and its allied fields including but not limited to animal science and aquaculture, agriculture-related social research, business, economics and management, education, engineering and computing, human ecology, food sciences, and veterinary and health sciences.
JARDET accepts original research papers and reviews. It welcomes submission from all sectors: authors, scientists, researchers, faculty from various institutions and agencies. Interested authors may visit the JARDET website or email [email protected].