The USM Graduate School aims to become the center of excellence in graduate education in Southern Philippines. It was established in June 1976 by virtue of Resolution No. 65, s. 1975 which was approved by the Board of Trustees of the then Mindanao Institute of Technology (now University of Southern Mindanao). It became a regular and full-pledged academic unit in 1981. After passing the 1st accreditation survey in 1997, the Graduate School was renamed Graduate College per Resolution No. 30, s. 1997 by the Board of Regents. In 2006 the name of the college was changed back to Graduate School per Resolution No. 53, s. 2006 by the Board of Regents.
The pioneering graduate program offerings in 1976 include MS in Agronomy, MS in Horticulture and MA in Education. The Master of Arts in Science Education (MASE) program began in 1978 in cooperation with the Science Foundation of the Philippines. Since its operation in 1976, the Graduate School has offered 55 graduate degree programs with different majors. Thirty-four (34) of these programs remained offered in 2022 but eight were renamed. Twenty-one (21) degree programs became inactive. Some of these shelved programs may no longer be offered as they are replaced with programs that meet clients’ demands and accreditation standards.
The present offerings of the Graduate School include ten (10) doctoral programs and twenty-four (24) master’s degree programs. Twenty-seven (27 or 79%) of these programs passed AACUP accreditation. Only the newly opened programs remain to be accredited. In 2021, the Graduate School was granted Level IV Phase 1 accreditation status for its pioneering MS in Agriculture program offerings in Agronomy, Horticulture, and Crop Protection.
The USM Graduate School is a Delivering Higher Education Institution (DHEI) for the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) graduate scholarships during the K to 12 Transition Period (2016-2020). Its DHEI status is extended to CHED’s Scholarships for Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program (SIKAP) in 2021 for the following programs: PhD in Agricultural Sciences major in Animal Science, Crop Protection and Crop Science, PhD in Education major in Mathematics, Biology, Applied Linguistics and Filipino, PhD in Extension Education, EdD major in Educational Management, MS in Agronomy, Horticulture, Animal Science, Plant Breeding, Crop Protection, Crop Science, Biology, and Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, MST in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics, MALT major in English and Filipino, MAED major in Educational Management and Social Sciences, and Master in Public Administration.
In addition, the Graduate School is also a DHEI for other scholarship grants such as the Graduate Research and Education Assistantship Program for Technology (GREAT) of DOST-PCAARRD, the SIDA Scholarship Program under Sugar Regulatory Commission (SRA), the Workers Organization and Development Program Scholarship of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the DA-BAR’s National Research and Development System for Agriculture and Fisheries (NaRDSAF) Scholarship, and the Local and Provincial Government Units’ scholarship programs for graduate studies.
After over four decades, the Graduate School continues to line up to its mission of producing competent, updated, and innovative professionals who excel in their area of specialization and contribute to uplift the quality of life of the people in Southern Philippines.
The following served as Deans of the Graduate School.
Name | Year |
Venancio G. Garagan, PhD | March 1976 – October 1980 |
Virgilio G. Oliva, PhD | November 1980 – January 1981 |
Teofilo C.dela Cruz, PhD | February 1981 – December 1984 |
Lydia P. Oliva, PhD | January 1985 – March 1989 |
Kalinggalan B. ABdulsani, EdD | April 1989 – July 1990 August 1991 – May 1993 |
Alfredo A. Navarro, PhD | August 1990 – July 1991 |
Florecita G. Tabora, PhD | June 1993 – May 1998 October 2004 – September 2005 |
Emerson D. Pascual, EdD | June 1998 – October 2000 |
Rogelio S. Tabora, PhD | November 2000 – September 2004 |
Joy Gloria P. Sabutan, EdD | October 2005 – July 2013 |
James Gregory C. Salem, PhD | August 2013 – May 2014 |
Consuelo A. Tagaro, EdD | June 2014 – September 2019 |
Leorence C. Tandog, PhD | October 2019 to present |
- Competent professionals who will be leaders in the fields of agriculture, industry, rural and economic development, science and technology, and education, and thus help improve the quality of life of the people in Southern Philippines.
- Updated and innovative professionals equipped in the state-of-the-art and cutting- edge technologies of their respective fields of specialization.
The Graduate School aims to produce MS/MA and PhD/EdD graduates
- who can meet the highest standards of performance in their various professions whether in the areas of Research, Instruction, Extension, and Resource Generation;
- at par if not well above average in knowledge, skills and values with other professionals and colleagues in the specific disciplines where they belong as offered by the Graduate School, among others: Education, Agriculture, Extension, Public affairs management, Mathematics, Industrial Arts, Language Teaching, and Rural Development.
- who can be authorities or expert of their own respective disciplines and can thus be depended upon by the community and clientele they serve;
- who can generate new knowledge, innovations, technologies, and strategies through research along their field of expertise;
- who can establish, demonstrate, or show case their own leadership, new technologies, innovations, and strategies through outputs as in but not limited to invention, production, project conduct or implementation, and publication.
PROGRAM | Program Heads | Email Address |
PhD in Agricultural Sciences major in Crop Production and Management | Dr. Josephine R. Migalbin, PhD/ Julius Jerome Ele, PhD* | [email protected] |
PhD in Agricultural Sciences major in Animal Science | Dr. Josephine R. Migalbin, PhD/ Julius Jerome Ele, PhD* | [email protected] |
PhD in Education Major in Mathematics | Leorence C. Tandog, PhD | [email protected] |
PhD in Education Major in Biology | Dr. Tessie Lerios, PhD/ Janette Supremo, PhD* | [email protected] |
PhD in Education Major in Applied Linguistics | Riceli C. Mendoza, PhD | [email protected] |
PhD in Education Major in Filipino | Shandra C. Gonsang, PhD | [email protected] |
PhD in Extension Education | Ardniel A. Baladjay, PhD | [email protected] |
PhD in Rural Development | Mitzi Aileen M. Alba, PhD | [email protected] |
EdD Major in Educational Management | Abubakar A. Murray, EdD | [email protected] |
MS in Biology | Florence Roy Salvana, MS | [email protected] |
MS in Plant Breeding | Gwen Iris D. Empleo, PhD | [email protected] |
MS in Horticulture | Mark Al Jamie Muttullani, PhD | [email protected] |
MS in Animal Science | Julius Jerome Ele, PhD/ Geoffray Atok , PhD* | [email protected] |
MS in Agronomy | Baser Mamalac, PhD | [email protected] |
MS in Crop Protection | Tamie C. Solpot, PhD | [email protected] |
MS in Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering | Renel M. Alucilja, MS | [email protected] |
MS in Rural Economic Development | Mary Rodelyn A. Cariaga, MS | [email protected] |
MST Biology | Tessie E. Lerios, PhD | [email protected] |
MST Chemistry | Estrella E. Dela Cruz, MS | [email protected] |
MST Mathematics | Leorence C. Tandog, PhD | [email protected] |
MST Physics | Jelly Grace B. Nonessa, PhD | [email protected] |
MAED Major in Educational Management | Joy Gloria P. Sabutan, EdD | [email protected] |
MAED Major in Elementary Education | Debbie Marie B. Verzosa, PhD | [email protected] |
MAED Major in Social Sciences | Prof. Marcos F. Monderin | [email protected] |
MALT Filipino | Shandra C. Gonsang, PhD | [email protected] |
MALT English | Donnie M. Tulud, PhD | [email protected] |
MS in Extension Education | Ardniel A. Baladjay, PhD | [email protected] |
Master in Public Administration | John Dave E. Llanto, DM | [email protected] |
MA in Home Economics (not offered) | Leila S. Moscoso, MS | [email protected] |
MA in Teaching Industrial Arts | Uldarico E. Lavalle Jr., PhD | [email protected] |
Master in Information Systems | Astrofil M. Alcala, MS | [email protected] |
Master of Eng’g. in Rural Infrastructure Engineering | Kathleen Mae B. Alucilja, MS | [email protected] |
MS Agricultural Economics | Kathleen Ivy Z. Bolotaolo, MS | [email protected] |
*pending issuance of SO |
Name | Highest Degree Completed |
MS Engineering (MERIE/ABE) | |
1. Willie Jone B. Saliling | MS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering |
3. Kathleen Mae B. Alucilja* | Master in Information Systems |
4. Renel M. Alucilja* | MS in Agricultural Engineering |
5. Ronald A. Garbin | MS in Civil Engineering |
6. Chrislam Mantawil | Master in Information Management |
7. Marilyn Painagan | PhD in Agricultural Enggineering |
MS /PhD Agricultural Science major in Agronomy | |
1. Adeflor G. Garcia | PhD in Agriculture |
2. Basser L. Mamalac | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
3. Nancy E. Duque | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
MS /PhD Agricultural Science Animal Science | |
1. Josephine R. Migalbin | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
2. Geoffrey R. Atok | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
3. Julius Jerome G. Ele | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
4. Emerlie R. Okit | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
5. Joy Canolas | PhD in Animal Science |
6. Jurhamin C. Imlan | PhD in Animal Production |
MS /PhD Agricultural Science Horticulture | |
1. Ardniel Baladjay | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
2. Lorelyn Joy Turnos | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
3. Mark Al-jami Mutullani | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
MS /PhD Agricultural Science Plant Breeding | |
1. Efren E. Magulama | PhD in Agricultural Sciences |
2. Gwen Iris D. Empleo | PhD in Genetics |
3. Edward Barlaan | PhD in Genetics |
MS /PhD Agricultural Science Crop Protection | |
1. Purificacion O. Cahatian | PhD in Agricultural Science |
2. Evelyn Pulido Esteban | MS in Agriculture |
3. Tamie C. Solpot | PhD in Plant Pathology |
4. Joan Sadoral | PhD in Plant Pathology |
5. Joseph Quisado | PhD in Entomology |
6. Mel Chrisel Salaes | PhD in Soil Science |
PhD in Education/ MS/MST Biology | |
1. Tessie E. Lerios | PhD in Science Education (Biology) |
2. Ma Teodora N. Cabasan | PhD in Bioscience Engineering |
3. Edward A. Barlaan | PhD in Genetics |
4. Renee Jane A. Ele* | MS in Biology |
5. May Eva Z. Garcia | PhD in Science Education (Biology) |
6. Florence Roy P. Salvaña | PhD in Biology |
7. Elma G. Sepelagio* | MS in Applied Science |
8. Janette P. Supremo | PhD in Science Education (Biology) |
9. Ma. Elena N. Tanabe | PhD in Microbiology |
10. Lothy F. Casim | PhD in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology |
11. Bryan Lloyd Bretaña | MS in Nematology |
12. Cherry C. Mangaoang | PhD in Biology |
13. Angelo Agduma* | MS in Biology |
14. John Aries Tabora* | MS in Biology |
MST Chemistry | |
1. Lydia C. Pascual* | MS in Chemistry |
2. Ma. Victoria T. Dapun | MST Chemistry |
3. Estrella E. Dela Cruz | MS in Chemistry |
4. Ronald Z. Pascual* | MS in Chemistry |
5. Gerlie Ticbe* | MA in Science Education |
MST Physics | |
1. Benedict D. Entera | MST Physics |
2. Romeo David T. Libatique | MA in Teaching Physics |
3. Jelly Grace B. Nonesa | PhD in Astrophysics |
4. Jean Maganaka* | MST Physics |
PhD in Ed/MST major in Mathematics | |
1. Leorence C. Tandog | PhD in Science Education (Math) |
2. Philip Lester P. Benjamin | PhD in Mathematics |
3. Debbie Verzosa | PhD in Education |
4. Lopito C. Eguia | PhD in Mathematics |
5. Jeaneth Licaros* | MST Mathematics |
6. Leonard Paleta | PhD in Mathematics |
7. Jennifer R. Pama | PhD in Mathematics Education |
8. Jonald L. Pimentel | PhD in Psychometrics |
9. Arnel B. Toledo | Master of Mathematics |
10. Daryl Mae Mamon* | Master of Applied Statistics |
11. Anna Jean S. Garcia* | Master of Applied Statistics |
12. Rowel Madio* | MST Mathematics |
13. Jupiter Pilongo | MS in Mathematics |
MA in Teaching Industrial Arts | |
1. Roberto L. Gornez | PhD in Technology Education Management. |
2. Solomon L. Presto | MA in Teaching Industrial Arts |
3. Samson C. Rapuza | PhD in Technology Education Management. |
4. Orlando B. Forro | PhD in Technology Education Management. |
5. Joel V. Misanes | PhD in Technology Education Management. |
5. George Q. Neral | Master of Professional Studies |
6. Manuel Tayong | PhD in Technology Education Management. |
7. Uldarico Lavalle | PhD in Technology Education Management. |
PhD/MS Extension Education | |
2. Alicia C. Cabiao | PhD in Extension Education |
3. Sedra A. Murray | PhD in Extension Education |
4. Jacinta T. Pueyo | PhD in Extension Education |
1. Francisco Gil N. Garcia | PhD in Agricultural Economics |
2. Jeannie U. Duk | PhD in Rural Development |
4. Mitzi Aileen M. Alba | PhD in Rural Development |
5. Mary Rodelyn C. Andres* | MS in Rural Economic Development |
6. John Dave Llanto | Master in Public Administration |
7. Kathleen Ivy Bolotaolo | MS in Agricultural Economics |
8. Romiel John P. Basan | MS in Agricultural Economics |
9. Jennet R. Mag-aso | MS in Environmental Science |
10. Roy B. Gacus | MS in Economics |
11. Rhenalie N. Bello | MS in Economics |
12. Mitchie Anne C. Logronio | MS in Econometrics |
Master in Information System | |
1. Melecio A. Cordero Jr. * | Master in Information Management |
2. Astrofil Hyde M. Alcala | Master in Information Management |
3. Joseph C. Lorilla* | Master in Information Management |
4. Eugene G. Ranjo* | Master in Information Management |
5. Virgilio P. Oliva Jr. | Master in Information Management |
6. Alvin Mibalo | Master in Information Management |
EdD/MA in Language Teaching major in English | |
1. Riceli C. Mendoza | PhD in Applied Linguistics |
2. Donnie M. Tulud | PhD in Applied Linguistics |
3. Nora B. Bolences | Master of Arts in Language Studies |
4. Lawrence Anthony Dollente | PhD in Applied Linguistics |
5. Marlon T. Salvador | Master of Arts in Language and Literature |
6. Mirasol O. Verona | PhD in Applied Linguistics |
7. Marlyn Resurreccion | PhD in Applied Linguistics |
EdD/MA in Language Teaching major in Filipino | |
1. Shandra C. Gonsang | PhD in Filipino |
2. Maria Luz D. Calibayan | PhD in Filipino |
3. Nelia O. Du | PhD in Filipino |
4. Mary Jane B. Martin | PhD in Filipino |
5. Radji A. Macatabon | PhD in Filipino |
EdD/MA Educational Management | |
1. Abubakar A. Murray | EdD major in Educational Management |
2. Joy Gloria P. Sabutan | EdD major in Educational Management |
3. Mario M. Bello Jr. | EdD major in Educational Management |
4. Eimer M. Estilloso | EdD major in Educational Management |
5. Khristine Joy B. Garcia* | MS in Psychology |
6. Kautin S. Kulano | EdD major in Educational Management |
7. Ma. Lezel P. Pataray | EdD major in Educational Management |
8. Consuelo A. Tagaro | EdD major in Educational Management |
9. Yusuf H. Indin* | MS in Psychology |
10. Bonifacio C. Solsoloy | MA in Philosophy |
MA in Home Economics | |
1. Leila S. Moscoso | MS in Food Science |
2. Urduja G. Nacar | EdD major in Educational Management |
3. Winnie T. Reyno | Master of Professional Development |
4. Cheryl Y. Dulay | Doctor of Business Administration |
MAED Major in Elementary Education | |
1. Debbie Marie B. Verzosa | PhD in Education |
2. Shandra C. Gonsang | PhD in Filipino |
3. Glyn Magbanua | PhD in Applied Linguistics |
4. Eimer M. Estilloso | EdD major in Educational Management |
5. Florie Jane M. Tamon | MA in Health Social Science |
6. Teodora N. Cabasan | PhD in Bioscience Engineering |
MAED Major in Social Sciences | |
1. Mark F. Monderin* | MA in Philosophy |
2. Florie Jane M. Tamon* | MA in Health Social Science |
3. Jennifer E. Sinco | MA in Philosophy |
4. Maricar U. Juaneza* | MA in Philosophy |
* Currently pursuing PhD degrees |
All applicants for admission to graduate work must take the Graduate Level Test (GLT). The passing score range in GLT is 474 to 524 with a quality index of “Average” (2.50) for any of the master’s degree programs and 525 to 572 with a quality index of “High Average” (1.75) for any of the doctoral programs. GS applicants with GLT scores below the specified passing score can still be admitted but they will be required to take additional courses equivalent to 6 units.
Graduates of master’s degree at USM who opt to proceed to any doctoral program may be exempted from taking the GLT, provided their previous GLT score is between the range of 525 to 572. and a weighted grade point average of 1.75; and provided further, that he or she enrolled on the 1st semester immediately after graduation.
For 2021, the GLT will be administered by the Center for Educational Measurement (CEM) using the online proctored version.
Admission Documents:
Original copies of the following documents must be filed at the Office of the Registrar
- Duly accomplished application form – done online
- Notice of admission – filed at the Graduate School
- Latest Copy of Official Transcript of Records (TOR) marked “Valid for transfer” or “Issued Upon Request”
- Honorable Dismissal (for non-USM Graduate)
- A copy of the Graduate Level Test (GLT) – will be available after the exam
- PSA birth certificate and marriage certificate (for married female applicants)
- Two (2) passport-size photographs (2” x 2”).
- Sealed letters of references from two former professors or supervisors
PARTICULARS | Master’s Fees | Doctoral Fees |
Tuition Fee (per unit) | 500 | 700 |
Miscellaneous Fee | 1,675 | 1,675 |
Entrance Fee (New Students) | 250 | 250 |
Admission Fee | 150 | 200 |
Comprehensive Exam Fee | 2,700 | 2,700 |
Outline Defense | 8,050 | 14,600 |
Final Defense | 12,050 | 20,600 |
Residency Fee | 500 | 700 |
(For local Students only) |
All GS forms, prospectus, and thesis templates available here:
- Prospectus
- Enrollment
- Application for Qualifying Exam
- Application for Comprehensive Exams
- Application for Defense
- Outline/Manuscript templates
- Application for Comprehensive Exam